India is still reeling from the Covid-19 pandemic and the cases have been spiking at an alarming rate daily.
Amidst this tense situation, Pooja Bedi who’s currently in Goa with fiancé Maneck Contractor, flaunted a video on social media that has been angering the Twitterati.

She had taken to Twitter to share a video – which showed the couple enjoying a boat ride. But it was her caption that immensely irked the netizens, who called her out as being ‘insensitive’ and ‘privileged’.
Pooja wrote – “Life is meant to be lived…not spent caged and masked for a year/ years in fear of a virus that’s clearly not going away! If you died tomorrow after year of masking/lockdown.. what would ur greatest regret be?”
To which one of the users responded – “Ma’am people are dying of covid complications every day. check your privilege.”