Bollywood’s man of the people Sushant Singh Rajput passed away on 14th June leaving everyone who knew him devastated. The late actor’s team have launched a website where the crew is under documentation process of all major works and learnings that Sushant left behind.
The website introduces him to the viewers who are his “Godfather” and the site will also include Rajput’s wishes and thoughts that he wanted to share with his fans.
The website was apparently the actor’s passion and the team have taken it upon themselves to make Sushant’s memories and findings come alive once again. Sushant’s team took to Facebook and released a post kickstarting selfmusing.
Sushant Singh Rajput’s death left fans and family devastated. His sister Shweta Singh Kirti took to Facebook and informed anticipating viewers that today is the day the family immerses Sushant’s ashes in the holy river Ganga.