The ‘Kalank’ actress has faced a lot of trolling and hatred over social media ever since the demise of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput whose death sparked debates on the existence of nepotism. Not only Alia but several other ‘star-kids’ who have parents working in the Bollywood industry faced a lot of criticism and threats. The worsening of the situation led many actors to turn off their comments on social media.
Read More : Sonam, Sonakshi and other actors turn off Instagram comments to keep off nepotism negativity
Soni Razdan, mother of Alia Bhatt, wife of director Mahesh Bhatt and an actor in her own right, spoke on the outrage of social media users towards her daughter and other actors going through the same situation.
Replying to a tweet by producer and director Hansal Mehta, Soni states, “All those who are ranting about nepotism today and who have made it on their own will also have kids one day. And what if they want to join the industry? Will they stop them from doing so?”
In the tweet that Razdan replied to, Hansal Mehta himself spoke on how merits of the person count more than whose son or daughter the person is. Speaking about his son, Hansal wrote on his twitter how his son isn’t where he is today only becasue of their relationship.
“My son got a step in the door because of me. And why not. But he’s been an integral part of my best work because he is talented, disciplined, hardworking and shares similar values as me. Not just because he’s my son.”